Friday 24 November 2017

Skill move / gocekan fifa online 3 terbaru november 2017

selamat sore agan semua. Gimana kabar agan semua? masih sehat kan? hehe agan masih suka main fifa online 3? Siapasih yang ngga tau game ini? Dan lebih banyak lagi pertanyaan yang ngga bakal habis buat ditanyain.

Oke langsung saja, kali ini ane mau share cara melakukan skill move / gocek bola / cara menggocek bola dalam gama Fifa Online 3 yang terbaru November 2017. Untuk postingan kali ini ane mau share cara menggocek bola fifa online 3 menggunakan joystick. Agan yang menggunakan keyboard untuk bermain fifa online 3 tidak usah khawatir, karena ane juga sudah siapkan postingan cara menggocek bola / skill move fifa online 3 menggunakan keyboard terbaru November 2017.

Langsung simak aja gan dibawah "Skill Move Fifa Online 3 Terbaru November 2017"

Pull Back
LT + Right Analog Stick Down
Sideways Roll
LT + Right Stick R/L (hold)
Body Feint
LT + Right Stick R/L (hold)
LT + from Right Stick U to R
Reverse Stepover
LT + from Right Stick R to U
Fake Shot
B, A (quick succession)
While still, LT + press down Right Stick
Inside Circle Drag
While still, LT + Right Stick NW/NE twice (quick succession)
LT + from Right Stick R to L
Hocus Pocus
While still, LT + from Right Stick L to R
LT + from Right Stick D to U
LT + Right Stick U, D (quick succession)
Juggle Ball
LT + RB repeatedly
ATW (Around the World)
While juggling, LT + Right Stick full rotation starting from bottom
Ronaldo Chop
While running, LT + Right Stick NW/NE (quick succession)
Overhead Flick
While still, LT + U, U, D
While running, LT + Right Stick D, U, U (timed)
McGeady Spin
LT + Right Stick flick U, flick R
LT + from Right Stick L to R
Rainbow Variation
LT + Right Stick U, U (hold), D (timed)
Rabona Fake
While sprinting, LT + power up power meter and cancel with Pass Button while holding back on the Left Stick(back as in in regards to direction sprinting in)
Triple Elastico
LT + from Right Stick U, to R, to L
Scooped Lob Pass
While still, LB + Lob Button (tap)
Roll and Flick
While running, LT + Right Stick R (hold), Flick NW
Fake Ball Roll
While still, LT + Right Stick R (held), Left Stick L (held)
Ball Roll Fake
LT + Right Stick L, flick Left Stick R
Ball Roll and Back
While still, LT + Right Stick R (held), L (held)
Stepover Double Touch
LT + Right Stick U, across to R, Left Stick NW
Stop Ball and Turn (can only be done with 4 star skill move players)
LT + Right Stick U, flick L
Fast Ball Rolls
LT + Right Stick D (held)
Fancy Fake Ball Roll
LT + Shoot/Lob button, Pass button quickly after
Airborne Rainbow
LT + tap RB constantly throughout, Right Stick D, U, U (timed)
Directional Ronaldo Chop
LT + Shoot button, Pass button quickly after, use Right Stick in any of the following directions to designate direction (U, L, R, NW, NW, SE, SW)

Itulah kumpulan skill move Fifa Online 3 terbaru yang bisa ane share. Semoga bisa membantu agan semua dalam mengembangkan skill bermain dalam game Fifa Online 3.

Selamat mencoba! Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar dan share agar konten ini lebih bermanfaat.

1 komentar:

  1. Hampir sama seperti FIFA 13/14
    Kalau dida 15-19 lebih banyak lagi skillnya
